Thursday, 9 December 2010

Can't / Can

Can't stop smiling.
Can waste time on msn.
Can't concentrate.
Can feel the cold.
Can't sleep at night.
Can sleep in the morning... and all day
Can't eat.
Can daydream.
Can't believe my luck.
Can see the moon at 2 pm
Can't be pessimistic.
Can be optimistic.
Can't wait to get an offer from uni.
Can wait to sit my January exams.
Can't believe I've found someone.
Can use my 25% off discount in Outfit.
Can't get over the fact that its Christmas in 16 days!

Peace =)

Sunday, 24 October 2010

October 24th.

Sunday evening, and unusually I am exhausted! Three hours of broken sleep followed by 4 miles of walking through the blistering October cold accompanied by a few uncomfortable social encounters, does not result in a happy Louise. So now I'm lying here in bed, a glass of water permanently glued to my lips to soothe my head, just reflecting on the days events. Good day. Stressful day but good nevertheless.

I rekindled my love for Ray man. Yes, the little man who's hands and feet aren't even attached to his tiny bean shaped body. Not to mention his neck (or lack of as it where). So when I found Ray man 2 in my friends house stacked away next to 'Dogz 5' and a video of Pavarotti, I had to have it. I have to say it made my day! Until I got it home put it in my laptop and it didn't work. Bummer. Oh Ray man, you're not made for these new-age laptops, you'll just have to stay in the past with Spiro and the Teken crew. Good bye.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Okay so Ive been grounded for the past couple of weeks, but it feels like at least the last 6 months. And you know what I really realised how much I depend on my phone and laptop, I felt completely lost, I had to resort to the land line and since i only remembered one of my friends numbers, i was down to one friend for one whole mind numbing week. I was dreaming of facebook walls and accompanied by the ding of a message received from MSN and it was truly beautiful. The worst part of it is, i really don't depend on those things anymore so now they are completely rubbish in comparison to the comfort they used to give me. Its like the feeling you get when you realise Christmas was so much better when you're five years old getting all these crazy toys, than when you're Seventeen and getting oh I don't know... socks. Yeah thanks nan. Anyway Im over facebook, Im over MSN, Im over the Internet, Google has been dumped. Now i like to go for walks and socialise with the same people but face to face. So aside from the gruelling bordom i was lumbered with when grounded, I actually learned some things for once! I was a complete tech addict! Which is kind of sickening, Im one of those cliched teenagers on the computer, headphones in listening to "rock&roll" (too loud) whilst texting and watching the TV between glances. Grim or what? So please switch off your computer, leave your mobile at home, and go out, I know I am. With my Ipod of course, because I literally cannot manage more than a 10 minute walk without that, that's one thing that i will never give up!

Monday, 2 August 2010

Port sunlight

I went to Port Sunlight today with a couple of friends, it was lovely. I love how different it looks from the rest of my area, its such a quaint little village and I've never really looked at the sights and appreciated them before today, so i took the opportunity to take some snaps!

Sunday, 1 August 2010


Beautiful british summer.
So here it is all done, it took me all night but I did it! I'm so pleased with myself its unbelievable. Anyway its now half one in the morning and I just wanted to throw this first little entry out there to get the ball rolling so to speak. Well its now officially August and Ill be honest this isnt how I pictured August 2010. I thought it would be this lovely picturesque summer, glaring sunlight, going on adventures everyday, drinks in the garden, sunbathing for hours on end with 'A handmaids tail' (I still havent finished it but so far its excellent). No this summer has been dismal, grey and horrible. It has probably worked out the most misserable time of year because at least in the winter I see my friends everyday in school, but now im just stuck in with the rain pounding against the window, day in day out! Some holiday! So its fair to say im looking forward to the begining of the end of my school years. Year 13 here I come!